Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sexual Addiction

Lines from around the web about sexual addiction

Sexual addiction refers to a controversial phenomenon in which individuals report being unable to manage their sexual behavior. Sexual addiction is hypothesized to be (but is not always) associated with Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Narcissistic personality disorder,[18][19] and manic-depression. Sexual addiction also is associated with risk-taking. Sexual Addiction : Find help for sexual addiction Call today and get help now | 888. Sexual addiction can ruin relationships and even lives. Sexual addiction is, in its simplest form, a normal sex drive that has become obsessive, to the point that behavior is out of control. Sexual addiction is referred to as a 'process' addiction, as opposed to a substance addiction like alcohol or drugs. Sexual addiction can take on many forms, from the use of pornography and masturbation to repeated sexual affairs, patronizing prostitutes, and voyeurism. Sexual addiction is rarely caused by only one factor, but is more likely a build up of conditions over time. Sexual addiction is something that was a part of my life for over 30 years without me realizing it. Sexual addiction is progressive and it rarely gets better. Sexual addiction refers to a controversial phenomenon in which individuals report being unable to manage their sexual behavior. Sexual addiction is hypothesized to be (but is not always) associated with Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Narcissistic personality disorder,[18][19] and manic-depression. Sexual addiction also is associated with risk-taking. Sexual Addiction : Find help for sexual addiction Call today and get help now | 888. Sexual addiction can ruin relationships and even lives. Sexual addiction is, in its simplest form, a normal sex drive that has become obsessive, to the point that behavior is out of control. Sexual addiction is referred to as a 'process' addiction, as opposed to a substance addiction like alcohol or drugs. Sexual addiction can take on many forms, from the use of pornography and masturbation to repeated sexual affairs, patronizing prostitutes, and voyeurism. Sexual addiction is rarely caused by only one factor, but is more likely a build up of conditions over time. Sexual addiction is something that was a part of my life for over 30 years without me realizing it. Sexual addiction is progressive and it rarely gets better.

Masturbation Addiction

Interesting masturbation addiction lines from around the web.

Masturbation addiction is, simply put, the compulsive need to masturbate. Masturbation addiction is referred to as a "process" addiction, as opposed to a substance addiction like alcohol, or drugs. Masturbation addiction is probably one of the most misunderstood of all addictions. Masturbation addiction is the opposite of self-control and instead your body controls you. masturbation addiction ArcticFox's blog2 commentsRead more Day 20: No longer addict (. masturbation addiction ArcticFox's blog2 comments 1 week behind, slowly getting better Fri, 2009-01-09 17:48 — ArcticFox. masturbation addictionwithdrawal symptoms ArcticFox's blog1 commentRead more 12next ›last » This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Masturbation addiction steals from you When masturbation becomes a compulsion and starts taking over your life then it becomes a problem. Masturbation addiction makes some people selfish and antisocial. Masturbation AddictionI sat there with duct tape wrapped three layers deep around my hands. Dedicated to all those who trusted me with their goals and allowed me to guide them to successMasturbation Addiction CounselingAdvice About Sex AddictionWritten by Joe Zychik Share this Digg Del. If you are experiencing masturbation addiction you'll have been unconsciously using masturbation as an attempted solution to stress, boredom, loneliness or low self-esteem. When you suffer from masturbation addiction then you get to the point where you have to masturbate just to feel normal. You cannot overcome a masturbation addiction so long as you are spending a lot of time alone in your bedroom viewing pornography.

Porn Addiction

Here are some very convincing lines from around the web concerning porn addiction.

Porn addiction is just another way that he can cripple you or your loved ones from fulfilling life's purpose. Porn addiction presents itself as a place where one is never hurt. Porn addiction makes a "perfect" companion, as one literally falls in love with the images one sees. Porn addiction is a particular subcategory of sexual addiction. Porn addiction is a dim reflection real passion and intimacy, and while it sometimes replaces these needs it does not fulfil them. Porn Addiction Help � The BattlefieldWar, in a very emotional and physical human experience, is like nothing everyday civilians will ever come to grips with. Porn Addiction Help � Be StrengthenedI want to encourage you today as you seek porn addiction help. Porn addiction help tipsBelow are listed a few tips for dealing with porn addiction: Getting blocking software for the computerPutting up inspirational pictures around the computer (kids, people you love etc. PORN ADDICTIONYou keep coming back to porn. Porn addiction -- which I define as an overwhelming compulsion to watch porn, such that viewing porn becomes your top priority, taking precedence over work and family -- is certainly a cause for concern and possibly intervention. Porn addiction may be a part of a more extensive sex addiction. Porn addiction is a result of a “worship disorder. Porn addiction doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Porn addiction puts us in a downward spiral. Porn addiction kept private is porn addiction allowed to fester, and grow; porn addiction left untreated is porn addiction that is virtually guaranteed to eventually overwhelm the individual afflicted by it, with the sort of remorselessness that renders will and agency and personal volition entirely moot. Porn addiction treatment can’t work unless it’s sought out, and porn addiction recovery can’t start until porn addicts have found the strength to admit their vulnerabilities. Porn addiction, like all forms of addiction, exists in both physiological and psychological dimensions. Porn addiction recovery, meaningful porn addiction recovery, can only be effected by a rehab program which takes full account of the disease, and full account of its victims; meaningful porn addiction recovery, in the end, is and has got to be a function of expert care and intensive counseling. Porn Addiction Counseling Given the psychological nature of porn addiction, porn addiction counseling is especially important to the porn addiction recovery process. Porn addiction recovery isn’t something that just happens to you; porn addiction treatment isn’t a process by which doctors administer care to passive patients. Porn Addiction is so wide spread and has become so corrosive to society, serious attention has been put towards it. Porn addiction can take up hours of time away from important activities and is shrouded in secrecy and loneliness. Porn Addiction and Dependency Are you or a loved one’s sexual thoughts and obsession with porn affecting relationships. Porn addiction and dependency can end today and break the feelings of hopelessness. Porn Addiction InterventionIf you are reading this, it is NOT too late. Porn addiction can also damage your health.